Philanthropy Fashion

Store Lead & Charity Partner Chair

This role was multifaceted. I handled set displays of clothing & gift items throughout the store, & assisted in the management of store associates. On top of this, I operated the communications efforts with the store’s existing charity partners & developed new partnerships. Finally, I helped curate social media photos & captions for the store.


Retail Management Intern

Young Life Crossroads

Young Life Affiliate Camping is unique as these camps are not properties owned by Young Life. As the Retail Intern in 2018 & 2019, my job was to come into another camp’s space with a few tables, & transform it into a Young Life pop-up store. After processing inventory, building shiplap & painting, creating signage, & setting up the POS system & desk space, the store, snack bar, & craft shack were ready for campers. In addition, I trained & managed a team of 6-8 volunteer Summer Staff in daily operations.


Young Life NorthBay

NorthBay 2018 consisted of a small snack bar, but NorthBay 2019 I was given the opportunity to create the first retail store for Young Life at this camp. This included building shiplap, painting, planning & creating displays, managing inventory, & training volunteer Summer Staff in daily operations. The store was an incredible success in bringing in revenue & the response from returning campers was all positive.