I tell stories through words,

design, & fashion.

The honeysuckle flower is a symbol of sweetness & affection. I’ve always loved it for its scent & the feeling of nostalgia that it brings. As it grows, it clings to what it’s closest to. The Honeysuckle Blog represents growth in the passions that are closest to my heart.


 A little about me…

I graduated Cum Laude in May 2020 from Liberty University (go Flames!) with a B.S. in Strategic Communication & minor in Graphic Design. I am an enneagram 3w2 & an INFJ! If there is a dog nearby, you can pretty much always find me petting it. When I’m not creating, I’m probably reading, listening to podcasts and making Spotify playlists, going to workout classes with friends, going to sporting events, drinking coffee & exploring local coffee shops, & just simply being with people. I also enjoy cooking & baking, & watching entirely too much HGTV. Thanks for being here!


 Let’s be Instagram friends!

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